Friday, January 13, 2012

Rome Tour - Where To Go In Rome - Travel Advice

Rome Tourism - Places To Visit In Rome - Travel Advice

Pantheon - This impressive round building is the best preserved of ancient Rome.

General Marcus Agrippa built an earlier version of this temple to all gods, but the present church was built as Hadrian in AD sI is illuminated only by the circular opening in the ceiling. Its diameter is equal to its height 43.5 m its walls have a thickness of 6m. The roof had a bronze coating on s.VII was started by Constantine II to decorate Constantinople, 1000 years after Bernini took what was left for use in San Pedro.

It was the first Roman temple converted into a church, in the year 609, when Emperor Foca, donated the building to Pope Boniface IV.

Piazza Navona - This place was the Circus agonal, where sporting events were held. Hence the square shape is elongated.

In the center of the square is the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi by Bernini in 1651 in which there are four giants that represent the four great rivers: the Ganges, the Danube, the Nile and the Rio de la Plata, topped by a obelisk.

At the north end of Fontana is the Neptune of the nineteenth century and the south, the Fontana del Moro, designed by Giacomo della Porta in 1576

Trajan's Forum - It is the last of the forums, did you measure 300x185m, comprising a huge basilica, libraries, spine, and the market.

Victor Emmanuel II - It was built in the late s. XIX after the first king after the reunification of Italy Victor Emmanuel II. It is a gigantic monument of white marble, and in the center stands a magnificent statue.

Trevi Fountain - He did not have bathing Anita Ekberg in La Dolce Vita for thousands of tourists visit it every day. It is a must, and to return to Rome, you have to flip a coin. It was designed by Nicola Salvi in 1762. Represent it to Neptune and its two huge horses that arise as a cliff. The horses represent the states of the sea calm and the storm.

Plaza de la Republica - This square was projected during the remodeling of Rome in 1870 and was smart at that time. Today is full of bars for tourists. You can see the remains of the Baths of Diocletian, the third century AD and the church by Michelangelo, 1563, Santa Maria degli Angel

Roman Forum - This place was the social, political and economic development of ancient Rome.

On the left is the Arch of Septimius Severus 203 AD to celebrate the victory over the Parthians. Right Column of Phocas 608 AD in honor of the Byzantine emperor for having given the Pantheon. There is also the Basilica Aemilia was the meeting place, the fire destroyed it. Along the Via Sacra is the Curia, the old Senate chamber of s. III and rebuilt in 1930.

The Arch of Titus is located on the edge of the Roman Forum, next to the Coliseum. It was erected in the s. AD to commemorate the sacking of Jerusalem by the emperor.

Via dei Fori Imperiali - Entrance Rombola and Remo Largo 5-6, Piazza di Santa Maria Nova 53 and Via di Monte Tarpeo.

Capitol Square - This place is situated on the Capitoline Hill, the most sacred of ancient Rome.
Michelangelo designed this space. Surrounding buildings, the Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatory Capitoline Museums are hosting the splendid collection of classical sculpture Popes began to gather in the s. XV and the Palazzo Senatorio, pink, which is the seat of the municipality.

Coliseum - This monument has become the icon of Rome.

Arch of Constantine - This bow was among the last to be built, dates from 312 AD It was built with fragments of other monuments, and to commemorate the victory of Constantine over Maxentius co-emperor.
Circus Maximus - This oval track competitions were held from cars and s. IV a.C to s. VI AD, also struggles with wild animals, mock naval battles (flooded the track), athletics and mass executions. It had a capacity of about 300,000 people.

Today very little remains, hardly a medieval tower and remains of the stands. Currently used for sports, and as a stage for a concert.

Mouth of Truth - In the portico of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, is the Bocca della Verita, for which you have to queue.

Spain Square - At the foot of the stairs is the Fontana della Barcaccia, the last work of Pietro Bernini for Pope Urban VIII, with bees and suns are the emblems of the family Bernini.

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